Social and Political Restructuring and Perspectives
I. Central and Eastern Europe in the World
György Wiener: The Change of Epochs in World History and the Changes of Eastern Europe
Hugo Radice: The Role of Foreign Capital in Eastern Europe: Implications for a Socialist Strategy
Boris Kagarlitsky: The Agony of Neo-Liberalism or the End of Civilization?
Andrei Kolganov: Mass Privatization in Russia and Shifts in Social and Economic Structure of Society
Viorel Roman: Romania: A Social-Democratic Periphery?
Péter Szigeti: Structures of Dominance in the Present Conservative World
Tamás Krausz: From History to Theory
II. Anti-Capitalist Theory and Praxis Today
Kate Hudson: Britain in the 1990s: the Crisis of Socialist Theory and Prospect for the Left
Terry Townsend: Lessons for the Left from South Africa
Susan Zimmermann: Changes in the World Economy and the Transformation in Eastern European Politics
Andrea Komlosy - Hannes Hofbauer: In Front or Behind? Emerging from the Dead End of Catching-Up-Industrialization
Alexander Buzgalin: Socialism: The Lesson of Crisis
Judith Dellheim: Theoretical Starting Points of a New Definition of Socialist Politics
Michael Heinrich: Theoretical Deficits of the Left and the Struggle for Hegemony
Stephan Day: The Future of Socialism: A Modern Utopia or a Aganda for Change?
III. Documents
Budapest Conference Statement
Internet connections
IV. Appendix
Tamás Krausz - László Tütő: Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Political Transition Period into Socialism